Company Profile


DSC 0027

The company is controlled by the Region of Crete, generally by the Ministry of Transport for the state of Greece. In September 2003 KTEL Chania-Rethimnon changed its legal form, based on Law 2963/2001, into a Corporation called Public Bus Service Chania-Rethimnon S.A. maintaining all rights that it had with the older legislation. The headquarters of the company remain in Chania.The fleet of the company has been renewed almost 100% with new modern technology buses built in 2005 - 2009.
The company meets the demands of our times with even better organization of its services, with modern
and ergonomic technical equipment and with the renewal of the fleet with busses of the latest technology.
The main goal is to provide passengers with even more security and comfort at lower costs. 
The Board of Directors was elected on 10/06/2011 at the Extraordinary General Meeting,
 which manages the company until today. 

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