Storehouse Service


θυρίδες αποθήκευσης αποσκευών/lockers


Public Bus Service of Chania-Rethimnon offers to its passengers the baggage lockers service! All of the passengers have the ability to store their baggages, with total safety, inside the lockers of the station in Chania for as many hours or days they wish. The cost of this service is 4,00€ for 8 hours or 6,00€ for 24 hours. At the end of the first 8 or 24 hours there is a surcharge of 4,00€ or 6,00€ respectively for every additional 8 or 24 hours regardless of whether completed. In case of loss of the key the customer is charged 25,00€


An important service offered by our Public Bus Service is the parcel delivery. Customers are able to securely send unaccompanied luggage, folders, boxes, containers, bicycles etc. to all the destinations that our buses travel.Some indicative values are following ​​specified to a piece. For further information please contact our Storehouse in Chania 2821097497in Rethymnon 2831022659 and in Heraklion 2810246538.


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